

In the Presbyterian Church, elders (the meaning of the word "presbyters") make up the church’s governing body or "Session."

Members of the congregation nominate candidates for the position of elder annually and the congregation votes as a whole. Once ordained and installed, elders serve a three-year term, though their ordination is for life. Members are encouraged to bring their concerns and ideas to any elder at any time, though there are no "constituencies" within the congregation.

From the ordained elders in the congregation, the Session elects a Clerk and a Treasurer. The Clerk prepares the agenda and materials for Session and congregational meetings, prepares minutes, and other duties. As part of their service to the church many elders at MPC also chair ministry teams.

These are the officers and members of Morningside Presbyterian’s Session, their ministry assignments, and their contact information:


Clerk of Session: Sandra Ward
Treasurer: Bill Humphries

Class of 2025

Facilities Co-Chair: Duncan Spears

Sub-Committees: Weekly Events, Special Events, Funeral Receptions, Church Retreat

Finance Co-Chair: Bobbie McCrackin

Human Resources: Rob Payne

Mission Ministries: Amy Jensen

Sub-committees: Justice, Advocacy and Environmental Action; Special Offerings and Walks; Community Outreach, Global Concerns, Mission Trips

Youth and Families Ministries: Tish Woolley

Youth Elder: Austin Smith


Clerk of Session: Sandra Ward

Children’s Ministry: Lauren King

Engagement: Corinne McLarin-Hadden

Discipleship: David Lowery

Worship and Arts: John Wingert


Commitment: Liz Mills

Sub-committees: Greeters, New Member Classes, Visitor Contact

Facilities Co-Chair: Lloyd Prince

Fellowship: Suzanne Macpherson

Finance Co-Chair: Trey Coogle

Matthew 25: Emilee Terry