In-person WORSHIP

This Sunday, February 9, 11:00 a.m.
Kate Durden & Sawyer Barnette, preaching
“Youth Sunday”
Ephesians 2:8-10; Jeremiah 29:4-12

We are worshipping together in-person and online via livestream each Sunday at 11:00 a.m.


Souper Bowl of Caring/Youth Sunday

Sunday, February 9
Join us for worship on February 9 for our special Youth Sunday Service! The youth will be leading us for the whole service, and we will be collecting the Souper Bowl of Caring, which supports local food pantries. We hope to see you there!


MLK Day of Service

Saturday, February 22
Join us Saturday, February 22 for a work day at Memorial Drive Ministries. Volunteers will gather at 9:30 a.m. and will be working outdoors until 11:30 a.m. This event is open to folks of all ages! To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Jack Klotz or Lloyd Prince.


Vacation Bible School

June 9–13
Vacation Bible School is going on a Road Trip with God this summer the week of June 9–13. Registration is now open!


Morningside Presbyterian Preschool Enrollment

Looking for a play-based preschool for your child to grow and learn? Registration will open on January 15 for current preschool and church families, then to the public on January 31. For more information or to schedule a tour, email Courtney Jerome. Click here to learn more about our preschool programs and request a tour.


Come as you are, knowing that you may well be changed by your time here! We believe that when you participate in this community of faith, you can experience the presence of God through worship, fellowship, music, mission and study as we JOURNEY TOGETHER.

Morningside Presbyterian Church never stops striving to “be the church” together. Worship with us on Sunday morning either in-person or online through a livestream link to our YouTube channel. Beyond worship, you can learn about ways to connect to our community of faith through our weekly emails and our Events page.

 Through every change and challenge we face, we are still the church united by Jesus Christ. If you have a need, a concern, or a joy to share, or would simply like to learn more, please reach out to one of our pastors.